Below is the full version of the speech that Benny Wenda gave to an IPWP meeting in the UK Parliament...

Below is the full version of the speech that Benny Wenda gave to an IPWP meeting in the UK Parliament...
The International Parliamentarians for West Papua (IPWP) held a major meeting in the UK Parliament yesterday (October 18th 2023), calling...
The Indonesian military have intensified their campaign of brutality across West Papua over the past week. I am calling on...
As the world celebrates Easter Sunday, in West Papua we are also celebrating the long-awaited release of our brother Yanto...
UNITED LIBERATION MOVEMENT FOR WEST PAPUA (ULMWP) – PRESS RELEASE Petition for West Papuan self-determination signed by 1.8 million West...
Benny Wenda is in Geneva alongside General Secretary Octovianus Mote and other members of the United Liberation Movement for West...
This open letter has been written by Benny Wenda as the Spokesperson for The United Liberation Movement for West Papua...
Dear everyone, Yesterday at 8:00 in the morning 21 West Papuan people, men women and children were reportedly arrested by the...
In the wake of building pressure from across the Pacific and around the world for a Pacific Islands Forum...