Benny Wenda is currently on an official month long tour of Papua New Guinea, meeting with local and national politicians, as well as regional community leaders to increase awareness and support for West Papua’s struggle for freedom.
At a press conference in the capital Port Moresby, Benny Wenda stated “We have a voice but our voice has been silent for more than 50 years. The Papuan issue is a regional issue and we call on our brothers and sisters in PNG to work with us hand in hand.”
Media groups including Papua New Guinea’s National EMTV News and two national newspapers widely covered the story which has given a significant platform for the new Free West Papua Campaign office in PNG.
He added “We are One Land, One Culture, One People and One Ancestor. We are one people and we cannot do this without PNG”.
Watch a news report from EMTV about Benny’s visit to Papua New Guinea: